My Whole School Music Curriculum

My main goal is to enthuse students by allowing them to select the music that we study. I then identify what skills and vocabulary may be mastered through each song choice.

I assess depth of cognition in favour of direct skill demonstration. This is sympathetic to the subjective nature of music in which technically simple songs can often be the most beautiful.

Curricular Aims

The What and the Why!

This music education course consists of a free, unified music curriculum and several online resources for year 1 to 9. It can be used or adapted to suit any demographic or local educational expectation. The curriculum and resources will be updated with new material as I interact with different year groups and try different approaches in the classroom. Here is a brief summary of how the curriculum works:

Examples of Resources Viewed on Different Devices

Instrumental Literacy Examples

Objectives and Assessment

I have made a great effort to avoid music assessment becoming a burden for teachers and students. I have used more complex assessment systems in the past but I believe that using a simple taxonomy consisting of engage, demonstrate and explore works efficiently. As our learning objectives are grounded in experiencing real world music, I wanted to avoid fixed assessable skills that may inhibit enjoyment and creativity. Thus, the students are assessed on their greatest progress with any single learning objective which also allows for a variety of different young musicians to succeed. A breakdown of each level in the taxonomy can be found below:

Since we are using real-world musical examples, learning objectives will vary. The tables below highlight potential skills featured in learning objectives by age. Other learning objectives are possible depending on song nuances.

My main goal is to enthuse students by allowing them to select the music that we study. I then identify what skills and vocabulary may be mastered through each song choice.

You will notice that each objective displays a challenge level in the resources. This level indicates what age range the objective is suitable for. This is of course a suggestion, as AFL may suggest that a certain group are more or less capable than other groups even within year groups. The suggested age ranges are featured below:

I assess depth of cognition in favour of direct skill demonstration. This is sympathetic to the subjective nature of music in which technically simple songs can often be the most beautiful.

Possible Objectives by Instrument Type


View instrumental literacy skills by clicking the image above. These skills are required to access the assessed skills.

Of Monsters and Men - Dirty Paws